Local Florists that are best for event flower arrangements & decoration in Hoboken, NJ
The secret to giving any event that extra special touch is to choose the right florist in a world where the charm of freshly picked flowers speaks volumes. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of skillfully designed floral arrangements given the variety of social events held at the Barsky Art Gallery, from lively celebrations to art viewings. These are some of the best florists in Hoboken, who are renowned for their ability to add color and life to any area. These artisans are experts at blending organic beauty with the gallery's artistic backdrop to create a setting that makes your event feel as much as it looks thanks to the allure of flowers. At the Barsky Art Gallery, where nature and art combine to create truly memorable experiences, let their experience elevate your next gathering.
Location: 130 Central Ave, Jersey City, NJ 07306
Contact: Email
Phone: 201.898.0513
Flowers for events: WEBSITE
Store Address: 264 1st St, Hoboken, NJ 07030
Contact: Email
Phone:(201) 313-7989
Flowers for events: WEBSITE
Address: 108 10th Street Hoboken, NJ, 07030
Contact: Email
Phone: (201) 217-3919
Flowers for events: WEBSITE